Продукти за wengzhi assxzq cn (4)

waax agora

waax agora

ağda ısıtıcıları
slack wax - slack wax, свещ, восък, масло, парафин, рафиниран парафин, остатъчен восък

slack wax - slack wax, свещ, восък, масло, парафин, рафиниран парафин, остатъчен восък

Slack Wax The by-product from the solvent de-waxing process provides a broad range of melting points and physical and performance characteristics that are suitable for use in various products and process applications. This product is used as blending components or waterproofing agents in the manufacture of various industrial products such as candles, polishes, matches, inks, and carbon paper, and externally can be applied as good dust suppressants or controlled-release agents for various chemical and fertilizers. We can propose a suitable offer based on your needs. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Mobile: +905318337385 Email: y.nazari@tedoraco.com Website: www.tedoraco.com
IV канюла

IV канюла

Different sizes and Brands are available 18 & 20 & 22 & 24 & 26
Ethicon ECR45

Ethicon ECR45

ECR45 and ECR60 all codes available.